I recommend Unteralterbach to anyone that is into loli and wants the greatest it can offer. Reviewer: Access - August 14, Subject: Bernd and the Mystery of Unteralterbach hello how do I get the original game after the download to run help.
Reviewer: Sims 5: How to train your Loli - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - May 7, Subject: A good game You don't know how long Ive been trying to find the original version to this game. Bernd and the mystery of unteralterbach walkthrough how to# I even found the Bernd sister 'sex' scene by accident. Be warned though for there are story paths that bar you from lolis or even game end you. Pleas note when deleting a save, you might erase your achievements and photos. Reviewer: Emandudeguyperson - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - February 1, Subject: Too SEXY Oh The lolis in this game are simply magnificent. If you are a sick fuck like me you will get some kicks out of this. You must have the wrong guy! I would never partake in such sick, disgusting, evil, pedophile filth such as this! Software History Collection. Bernd and the mystery of unteralterbach walkthrough software#īernd and the mystery of unteralterbach walkthrough software#.Bernd and the mystery of unteralterbach walkthrough how to#.